I can be found doing my bit for the Socialist Lavatory League in the RIBA Journal this month where I extol the merits of the institute's bogs. Coming across a little like a situationist cottager (and, come to think of it, isn't cottaging an example of detournement?) I recommend opening them up to the public. I'm only disappointed that I couldn't find room for a reference to The Fonz who, if memory serves, used the toilets of the local diner as his "office" in the sit-com Happy Days.
Also, myself and fellow FAT blogger Sam Jacob are interviewed extensively on our reading habits in this month's issue of Mark mag. The interview was conducted by Steve Parnell - aka The Sesquipedalist - which makes the whole thing look thoroughly blogtastic. I'm not sure about the opening sentence, but other than that it's a good piece accompanied by an excellent photograph of my back.
I promise a bit of original content on this blog soon (and not only on old stuff about the war an' that innit) as it was never intended as a forum for blowing my own trumpet, (euphemism intended) even though it may read a bit like that at the moment. Just thought you might be interested that's all......
I enjoyed the old stuff about the war n that innit. I gave it a mention on me blog. You n Malcolm Fraser together. Well, sorta separated by a few words n pics n things, so that's OK.
I'm interested in bogs too(nice historic ones n that) but maybe that's not something I should talk about too freely.
yes, thank you I noticed that. Never been so closely linked with Malcolm before.
There should be be more open discussion over the fate/state of the nation's toilets. Keep hope alive, public convenience fans...
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