Thursday, January 7, 2010

Carry on England

Travel Chaos (TM) has blighted our trip to the states, stranding myself and my colleagues in Richard Rogers' schmantzy new Terminal 5 for what seemed like decades. We ended up doing our studio presentation via skype, not made any easier by our determination to show a clip of the final sequence of Quadrophenia in the middle of it. The presentation was not without its more amusing incidents either, which I've already mentioned on Twitter.

Anyway, in tribute to a turbulent (in the wrong way) couple of days full of plucky British phlegm here's a fabulously historically confused video of Ultravox singing Reap The Wild Wind, courtesy of Enrique at A456. It features Midge Ure and co dressed as second world war airmen driving a post-war jeep around the white cliffs, accompanied by some first world war flying machines and dodgy video effects.

From an age when the more ludicrous the premise the better for music videos. Dreadful song, mind.

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