Thursday, September 15, 2011

Radical this, radical that

Radical Post Modernism - an issue of Architectural Design edited by FAT and Charles Jencks - is out now.  I've given a brief run down of the contents of the issue on here before so I'll refrain from doing so again. But there have already been some intriguing comments about it on-line - not least Steve Parnell's assertion that "FAT are to PoMo what the Smithsons were to Brutalism". I'll post links to any reviews, flattering or otherwise.  

There's been a lot of interesting writing revisiting Post Modernism too - mostly in connection with the upcoming V&A retrospective Style and Subversion - including excellent pieces by Rowan Moore and Justin McGuirk. In the Sunday Times Hugh Pearman picked his best and worst PoMo buildings (we're in the best, thankfully) and there's been a fair amount of Twitter based argy-bargy on the topic.

All of which means that a certain amount of Post Modern revival fatigue is due to set in, if it hasn't already. Hopefully, before it does there will be a launch event for RPM. More news on that to come.....

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